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Time and Tide Museum of Great Yarmouth Life

Museo | Great Yarmouth | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

El Museo Time and Tide de la Vida de Great Yarmouth es un museo importante en Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, dedicado a la historia y al patrimonio marítimo de la ciudad. Se encuentra en una fábrica restaurada de arenques ahumados de la era victoriana, una de las mejor conservadas de su tipo en el Reino Unido. El museo narra la historia de Great Yarmouth desde sus orígenes en la era glacial hasta la actualidad, destacando en particular el desarrollo de la industria pesquera y la vida de las comunidades costeras.

Colecciones y exposiciones

El museo alberga una variada colección de artefactos que reflejan el patrimonio marítimo de la región:

Industria pesquera: Exhibiciones sobre la historia de la pesca, incluyendo el ahumado de arenques y el desarrollo de embarcaciones pesqueras.

Historia marítima: Colecciones de modelos de barcos, instrumentos de navegación y recuerdos de naufragios y operaciones de rescate.

Historia social: Vistas a la vida de las comunidades costeras, representada a través de casas de pescadores reconstruidas y objetos cotidianos.

Experiencias interactivas

El museo ofrece exposiciones interactivas que dan vida al patrimonio de Great Yarmouth:

Reconstrucción de un mercado de pescado: Experimente la atmósfera de un mercado de pescado de la década de 1950.

Control de un barco de vapor: Tome el timón de un barco de vapor histórico en una exhibición interactiva.

Historias de naufragio y rescate: Escuche relatos cautivadores sobre naufragios y operaciones de rescate.

Ofertas educativas y eventos

El museo se dedica al trabajo educativo y ofrece programas para escuelas, así como eventos especiales para niños y familias. Se organizan regularmente exposiciones y eventos especiales que profundizan en el patrimonio marítimo y la historia de Great Yarmouth.

En general, el Museo Time and Tide ofrece una visión completa de la historia y el patrimonio marítimo de Great Yarmouth y es un centro importante para la cultura y la educación en la región.

Datos de contacto



Blackfriars' Rd
NR30 3BX Great Yarmouth

Vista de mapa


Domingo12:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado12:00 - 16:00


1190 Reseñas

Ian Davis

What a gem of a museum in Gt Yarmouth. Make sure to go upstairs. There are some wonderful toys and games as well as fabulous maritime paintings. The current Marjorie Blackwell exhibition is worth a look too and it's great to see the comments showing how well local school children have engaged with the content. There is an impressive photographic display by year 5 students as well. Time and Ride us well worth a visit
Joanie Adams

A brilliant place to take a private tour around, or simply muse around its galleries for an hour or two, one cannot be disappointed by such an effort. It is wonderful to see of the history of times gone by, and comparing how things are now. Many interactions for your children, numerous paintings of previous Artists of years gone by, with the once strong Dutch influence on Norfolk being clearly presented. Plus the collection of Fossils and of the Romans tidies this place to a wonderful affair - I must recommend it highly; kind staff too.
Liam Spring

Done many of coach trip to this place only thing that lets it down though is no parking
Bleach Box TV

Excellent So engaging creative imaginative and informative
Cayen Sparrow

It's really interesting to learn about your local area, and this does just that. Very nice.
Melanie Mengüs

This museum is the nicest thing in the area! It is a museum located in an old factory where they used to smoke fish. Now it is a museum about how life was in Great Yarmouth years ago and specially about the fish industry. It is very interesting and well made! I specially loved the Victorian row where you can experience how life was in the past. I had a great time here!
Paul Harper

Very interesting! Pay and display car park directly opposite (£1.60 for 90min)
Ed Borgars

Loved this; interesting visit; recommend it.
Brian Bewick

Lovely place to visit, staff are helpful and friendly
Trevor Webb

Very interesting museum, spent over 3 hours in there. Variety of exhibits ranging across fishing and town history. Recommended!

Lovely day ☺️ 😊
Mick Bennett

What a hidden gem in Great Yarmouth, I've been coming to great Yarmouth how for 30 years and this is the first time I've seen this place or the original mediaeval walls outside just across the road, well worth a visit and parking just across the road. Located on the site of the original site of the curing factory, it's good From the recreation Victorian street to the history and boats and smokers still with the original smell of smoked fish still present all these years later. We spent around 2.5 hours here and there is a lovely little cafe onsite.
Nigel Stoten

Really good. Gave us a new perspective of Yarmouth
Louise N

We had a great time here. I was surprised how much big it was and the range of displays. The kids enjoyed the interactive bits too
Your Worst Nightmare

Alot to see for the money
Andy Baxter

Great museum tucked away in the roads off the seafront. Lots of interesting artefacts and shows how the herrings are smoked
Lesley Croston

So much to see. We even played a Roman game while we were there. Well return next year.
Irene Bromley

Very interesting place. Good for all.
anton warren

History of Great Yarmouth from the very beginning
james robinson

Second time of coming and again didn't disappoint great for kids and people who lile to learn of the history of areas
Jess Broughton

One of the best museums I have ever visited!
George Raffe

Excellent museum, very interesting
Boyd Taylor

Always great! Ebery time you go there is something different. One wish though. Can you look to reinstate the audio guides. They were brilliant!
Mara Allen

Well curated. Lots to see and something to interest adults and children. Great use of the historic building.
Javiera Vilches García

I learned many things about the city and I really loved it !!
ben collin

Great place to visit lots to do and see
Lorraine Rimmington

Loved it brilliant museum
Ollie Fitton-Cook

A real gem to discover in Great Yarmouth. Much larger that it appears, the museum has great exhibits on the rich history of the town. Also very good for children.


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